IT Solutions and Support
Service Description
New Office Setups - Technology Specification, Installation and IT Training Sessions. With extensive industry experience planning and implementing technology solutions across the globe we can provide you with an end to end solution for businesses looking to have their office fit out. Microsoft 365 - We supply and configure Microsoft 365 business licenses on for you, and can assist setting up your devices. We also provide support if you already have a licensed product. Data Backup and Recovery Solutions - We provide support for existing systems or devices and can provide new solutions to meet all of your data backup needs. If you have a question about backups for Microsoft 365, SharePoint, Servers, Business managed phones, laptops, PC's or other device get in touch! Internet Security Solutions - DUX keep the customers internet privacy up to date with the latest Antivirus software, Firewall software, Router Security Configurations and updates, VPN setups for advanced users and we perform maintenance on all of your devices to keep your home and business up do date and safe from malicious software and cyber attacks. WIFI Setup and Optimization - We can provide you with a complete turnkey solution for new Wi-Fi installations including providing latest telco internet plan comparison data tailored for your home or business needs to make your setup as quick and easy as possible. We specialise in Existing WIFI Optimization and fine tuning for your environment. Audio-Visual Solutions - Providing Audio Visual start to end solutions to meet all of your business requirements. Specify, supply and install office and mobile Video Conference and Collaboration solutions to keep your teams connected working from home or on the road using platforms such as but not limited to Microsoft Teams, Google Hangout and Zoom. Camera Solutions - We supply configure and install wireless home surveillance systems, video doorbell configuration, installation and training. Repair and maintain existing systems both wired and wireless COAX and IP based.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance.
Contact Details
High Street, Penrith NSW 2750